Wella T18 Before And After Results With Instructions

Wella T18 Instructions with Before and After Pictures

If you’re looking to make some adjustments to your hair color without visiting a salon, Wella toner is an excellent option for DIY hair coloring. Recently, I wanted to banish the orange tones from my locks and achieved great results with the Wella T18 toner. In this at-home hair coloring guide, we’ll dive into how to use Wella T18 toner effectively, including a comprehensive overview of the process, before-and-after comparisons, and answers to frequently asked questions.

We’ll also explore the pros and cons of using Wella T18 toner versus other similar products on the market.

Wella T18 Before and After Results

For those curious about the transformative power of Wella’s T18 toner, I’m excited to share the before-and-after results when paired with 20 volume developer. The subsequent photos reveal the remarkable ability of this toner to banish unwanted brassiness and orange tones from your locks, leaving you with a more desirable hair color.

Before Pictures – Before Using Wella T18 Toner with 20 Developer

Before Pictures – Before Using Wella T18 Toner with 20 Developer
Before Pictures – Before Using Wella T18 Toner with 20 Developer
Before Pictures – Before Using Wella T18 Toner with 20 Developer

As we delve into the transformation, let’s take a step back and examine what my hair looked like at the beginning of this journey. In these ‘before’ pictures, you’ll notice I was sporting Wella T35, a product that had unfortunately led to an unwanted brassy and orange tone in my locks.

After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner (without Bleaching Hair First)

After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner (without Bleaching Hair First)
After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner (without Bleaching Hair First)
After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner (without Bleaching Hair First)

The transformative power of Wella T18 toner is evident in these ‘after’ pictures, showcasing the potential results for your own locks. Without undergoing the bleaching process this time around, I still achieved a noticeable lightening effect by combining the developer with T18 toner. The resulting hue is undoubtedly lighter, yet stops short of achieving a super blonde color.

After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner WITH Bleaching Hair First

After Pictures – Hair after Using Wella T18 Toner WITH Bleaching Hair First

When using Wella T18 toner, it’s essential to note that bleaching your hair beforehand can significantly impact the final result. In fact, if you bleach your hair first, Wella T18 toner will dramatically lighten your locks, potentially achieving a platinum blonde color similar to the one depicted below.

Wella T18 Toner vs. Other Wella Toners

When diving into Wella’s range of 8 permanent liquid toners, it’s crucial to understand that each one serves a unique purpose. In my case, I opted for the Wella T18 toner specifically to counteract the unwanted orange tones in my previously brassy locks. The ash-toned properties of this product make it an excellent solution for achieving a more nuanced color palette.

Wella Toner Chart

Wella Toner Chart

When it comes to achieving a specific hair color, many stylists and enthusiasts reach for Wella toners as a way to fine-tune their results. The company’s extensive range of toners offers solutions for various hair color goals, from subtle enhancements to dramatic makeovers. Among these options are the Wella T18 toner, which is often paired with other products in the Silver, Ash, and Beige lines.

Wella T18 Versus Wella T35

In addition to the previously mentioned products, I’ve also experimented with other Wella formulas in the past. Specifically, I’ve used Wella T27 and Wella T35, each serving a distinct purpose. The Wella T18 formula is ideal for achieving a light ash look, while the Wella T35 formula yields a warm, golden-colored finish. As my hair continues to evolve, I may opt for the Wella T14 or T11 formulas in future dye and tone sessions.

Supplies to Tone Your Hair at Home with Wella T18

Achieving salon-quality results from the comfort of your own home requires minimal effort, as the essential supplies are straightforward. To get started, you’ll need to bleach your locks to a blonde hue before applying Wella T18 with developer. The process is simplified below.


Hair clips or hair ties

Wella toner

20 volume developer

Mixing bowl

To begin, gather a suitable container for combining the bleach and developer. A plastic mixing bowl or a sturdy paper bowl would serve this purpose effectively.

Mixing container

Mixing container
Photo Credit: amazon

To create the perfect toner mixture, you’ll need a suitable container. Any standard mixing or plastic applicator bottle will suffice for combining the ingredients. If you’re looking to purchase the necessary supplies online, you can find everything you need on Amazon. For instance, you may want to consider acquiring gloves, hair clips, and a Wella T18 toner. Additionally, volume 20 developer and a mixing bowl are also crucial components of this process.

You can even take advantage of an online special that bundles the Wella T18 toner with the 20 volume developer.

Wella T18 Instructions: How to Use Wella T18 Toner At Home

If Needed, Bleach Hair First

If Needed, Bleach Hair First
Photo Credit: youtube

When it comes to achieving a lighter shade with Wella T18 toner, dark-haired individuals must first undergo a bleaching process. This involves mixing the toner with a developer – specifically, 20 volume is a recommended choice for this purpose. For those unfamiliar with the bleaching process, I suggest consulting the following YouTube video for guidance on how to properly bleach your hair prior to using Wella T18 toner.

Mix Toner with Developer (1:1 Ratio)

To use Wella T18 toner effectively, start by combining the correct ratio of ingredients. For every one part of toner, mix in two parts of volume 20 developer. To achieve this, follow these steps: Pour the Wella T18 toner into a clean mixing bottle. Next, fill the empty toner bottle with developer and pour it into the mixing bottle, repeating this process to create the desired 2:1 ratio. Once you have the right combination, shake the mixture well to ensure everything is fully incorporated.

With this simple process in place, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the perfect tone with Wella T18 toner.

Apply Wella T18 Toner and Wait 20-25 Min

Apply Wella T18 Toner and Wait 20-25 Min

To apply the Wella toner to your hair, follow these steps. Start by making sure your locks are slightly damp. Next, put on some gloves to protect your hands from staining. Then, grab the mixing bottle and carefully pour the toner and developer solution onto your hair. Be patient and let it sit for 20-25 minutes – don’t overdo it! After this time has passed, you can expect the Wella T18 toner to take on a deep purple hue, as seen in the photo below.

Rinse Out with Conditioner

To complete the hair care routine, start by thoroughly rinsing the toner out with warm water while standing under the shower’s gentle stream. This helps to remove any remaining product residue and prepare your locks for the next step. From there, gently apply a sulfate-free conditioner, working it through your hair from roots to ends to provide essential moisture and nourishment.

Don’t Wash Your Hair for 2-3 Days

Allow your locks to relax for a three-day stretch, sans the rigmarole of regular grooming routines. Refrain from shampooing, taking a dip in the pool, and engaging in any blow-drying or styling activities.

How to Go Super Blonde with Wella T18 Toner

For individuals with darker locks or seeking a platinum blonde hue, a crucial step precedes toning: bleaching. To achieve this, employ a volume 20 developer (volume 30 for exceptionally dark strands), leaving it on for approximately 20 minutes. Once the bleach has taken effect, proceed to apply the Wella T18 toner plus developer mixture. For a comprehensive guide on at-home bleaching, refer to step 3 in our accompanying article.

Only after successfully bleaching your locks should you apply the toner.

What color Wella toner should I use?

When it comes to achieving the perfect shade of blonde, the choice ultimately depends on the tone and level of color desired. For those aiming for a warm, honey-gold hue, Wella’s T15, T11, T27, or T35 shades are ideal. The T15 is particularly suited for those seeking a light, subtle look, while the T35 offers a darker, richer alternative.

For a cooler, ash-toned blonde, options like Wella’s T28, T14, or T18 are recommended.

If concerns about yellow or orange undertones are present, the T18 is an excellent choice, as it tends to neutralize these tones.

Finally, for those seeking a pale, silver blonde color, Wella’s T10 shade is the way to go.

Conclusion – Will I Use Wella T18 Again?

While pleased with the outcome of using Wella T18 toner, a comparison to its counterpart Wella T35 reveals that I might actually prefer the results from the latter. The T18 toner tends to leave my locks looking slightly washed out, whereas the T35 color appears richer and more vibrant on me. Considering my warm skin tones, I anticipate sticking with Wella toners T15, T11, T27, or T35 in future applications, as they seem best suited for my complexion.

Wella T18 Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re left with any questions or concerns, we encourage you to share them with us by leaving a thoughtful comment below. We’re always here to help and provide further clarification when needed.

Do I need to bleach my hair before toning it with Wella T18?

When considering a minor hair color adjustment, such as I’ve done in this article, bleaching your locks beforehand isn’t necessary. The tone can be achieved without lifting the natural pigment of your strands. On the other hand, if you’re aiming for a bold blonde transformation, it’s crucial to bleach your hair first and foremost.

Will Wella T18 lift color?

It’s widely accepted that when Wella T18 is combined with a developer, the resulting mixture can effectively lighten hair. This is because developers contain ingredients that actively work to open up the hair cuticle and allow color molecules to penetrate more deeply, ultimately leading to a lighter shade.

What is the Wella T18 toner mixing ratio?

To achieve the desired shade, combine two parts of developer with one part of Wella T18 toner. This unique blend will produce a rich and vibrant result that showcases your creative flair.

What do I mix Wella T18 with?

To achieve the desired results, you’ll need to combine Wella T18 toner with a developer. I suggest pairing it with SalonCare’s Volume 20 Developer for optimal performance.

Does Wella T18 toner need developer?

To achieve the desired results, you’ll need to combine Wella toner with a developer. This may seem like an obvious step, but it’s crucial for getting the right color and tone on your hair. Simply mixing the two together will allow you to control the intensity of the color and ensure that it’s evenly distributed throughout your locks.

What does T18 Wella toner look like on brassy hair?

For a visual representation of Wella T18 toner’s effects on brassy hair, refer to the accompanying images, which show the results after a 20-minute application.

Will Wella T18 lighten my roots?

When using Wella T18 toner mixed with a developer, one of the benefits is that it can provide an all-over lightening effect on your hair. This means that not only will it brighten up your locks, but also effectively remove any unwanted darkness from your roots, resulting in a uniform color transformation.

How do I wash out Wella T18 toner?

To effectively remove Wella T18 toner from your hair, simply shampoo as you normally would in the shower, using a standard conditioner to cleanse and moisturize your locks.

How long should I keep Wella T18 toner on my hair?

When it comes to applying toner to your hair, timing is everything. A general rule of thumb is that you can leave toner on for up to 30 minutes, but the truth is that shorter application times are often more effective. If you’re planning to bleach your hair first, it’s best to keep the toner application to 15-20 minutes. However, if you’re only using toner without bleaching, a longer application time of 25 minutes can be beneficial in achieving the desired results.

How much does it cost to tone my hair at home?

Achieving salon-quality tones without breaking the bank is definitely possible when you do it yourself. The cost of toner typically ranges from $5 to $10, while developer prices usually fall between $5 and $15, depending on your preferred supplier. When you factor in the initial investment for basic tools such as a mixing bottle, hair clips, and gloves, the total expense comes out to around $10.

This is significantly less than what you’d pay at a salon, making it an attractive option for those looking to save some cash.

Where can I buy Wella T18 toner?

For those seeking to acquire the renowned Wella T18 toner, you’re in luck! This sought-after product can be purchased through two reputable online retailers: Sally’s Beauty and Amazon.

Can I mix Wella toners?

In fact, Wella T18 and Wella T11 are a popular combination among many women who seek to create their ideal hair color. This blend allows them to achieve the perfect shade that enhances their natural beauty.

What volume developer should I use with Wella T18?

For optimal results when using Wella T18 to lighten your hair, I suggest pairing it with a 20-volume developer. Be cautious not to use less than 20 volume, as this may not provide sufficient lightening. Conversely, exceeding 20 volume by choosing a higher developer strength like 30 or 40 volume can potentially damage your locks. By striking the right balance with a 20-volume developer, you’ll be able to achieve the desired lift while minimizing the risk of harm to your hair.

How can I go platinum blonde with T18?

To achieve a striking, platinum-blonde look, it’s essential to lay the groundwork by bleaching your hair first. This bold color transformation requires a solid foundation, which can be achieved through a thorough bleaching process. Once you’ve reached your desired level of lightness, you’re ready to introduce Wella T18 toner to further refine and perfect the shade.

More Wella Toner Guides: Wella T35 and Wella T27

If you’re eager to witness the impressive transformations that can be achieved with Wella toner, look no further. With a wide range of shades available, this popular product has earned its spot in many stylists’ arsenals. But what really sets it apart are the incredible before and after results that leave clients looking and feeling confident. Whether you’re seeking to enhance natural color or make a bold statement with a new hue, Wella toner delivers.

Wella T35 Before and After

Are you curious about the appearance of Wella T35 toner? If so, I recommend checking out our comprehensive guide on this popular product. In it, we’ll take a closer look at what Wella T35 toner actually looks like – without the need for prior bleaching of your hair.

Wella T27 Before and After

For a visual representation of the Wella T27, refer to our comprehensive Wella T18 vs Wella T27 toner guide. This valuable resource provides a side-by-side comparison of these two popular products, giving you a better understanding of what sets them apart and which one might be right for your hair needs.

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I’d Love to Hear From You!

If you have any thoughts or questions about this topic, feel free to share them in the comments section below. You can also reach out to me directly on Facebook if you’d like to continue the conversation. As a side note, which shade do you prefer: Wella T18 or Wella T35? I’d love to hear your opinion based on the before-and-after photos above.

Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to check out Very Easy Makeup for more at-home hair coloring tips, easy makeup tutorials, and honest beauty product reviews.

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