Salon vs. DIY at Home
When deciding whether to shell out over $100 for professional hair dyeing services or take the DIY approach, I’ve come to a decisive conclusion: I’m a fan of coloring my own locks. As someone with naturally strawberry blonde hair that’s gradually darkened with age, I’ve tried both salon and at-home dye jobs. After numerous attempts, I’ve concluded that salons just can’t compete with the results I get from coloring my hair at home.
The before-and-after photos are telling: my at-home efforts consistently yield a more impressive outcome than even the best salon treatments. Sun-In, in particular, has surprised me by producing better blonde tones than some high-end salons. That being said, if you’re looking to add highlights to your hair, I still recommend seeking professional help. But for a single-color dye job, I firmly believe that at-home coloring is the way to go.
Before and After Pictures of Dying Hair Blonde at Home vs. a Salon
To aid your decision-making process, we’ve included a visual comparison of the results for your viewing pleasure.
After Pic of Using Wella T18 to Dye Hair Blonde at Home
When it comes to achieving a luscious blonde color at home, the Wella T18 product is a popular choice among many hair enthusiasts. For those who want to dye their hair blonde without visiting a salon, this kit provides an easy and effective solution. With its unique formula, it allows users to achieve professional-looking results in the comfort of their own homes.
After Pic of Using Wella T27 to Dye Hair Blonde at Home
Achieving a stunning, vibrant hair color at home is now possible thanks to Wella’s popular T27 formula. As you’ve successfully completed the process and witnessed the remarkable results, it’s time to share your experience with others. To help others replicate your success, we’ll take a closer look at the outcome of using Wella T27 at home.
After Pic of Going Blonde with Sun In at Home
To achieve the perfect go blonde hair color without leaving your home, you can rely on the effectiveness of the Sun-In product. As shown in this picture, the results speak for themselves – a beautiful, natural-looking blonde hair color that looks like it was achieved at a salon. The best part? You don’t need to worry about damaging chemicals or tedious application processes.
After Pic of Paying $200 to go Blonde at a Salon
Before and After Pictures of Going Darker at Home vs. a Salon
As I embarked on my journey to transform my hair color, I decided to take the DIY route and test out the John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Treatment against the option of shelling out big bucks at a professional salon. To give you a better idea of the process, I’ve included some before-and-after photos that showcase my transition from blonde to brown.
After Pic of Brown Hair from a Salon (YUCK!!)
After Pic of Going Darker with John Frieda Brilliant Brunette
As I delved into the world of darker hair shades, a recent experience stood out – trying out the John Frieda Brilliant Brunette range. The allure of going darker at home was too great to resist, and I’m excited to share my journey with you.
Benefits of Dying Your Hair at Home – Reasons to Dye Your Hair at Home
While many may opt for salon visits for their beauty needs, I’ve found personal gratification in mastering the art of at-home hair dyeing. In particular, I’m drawn to dyeing my locks a vibrant blonde hue, and also exploring the possibility of going darker. What’s behind this affinity? Read on to discover the reasons driving my preference for DIY hair transformations.
It looks better (in my opinion)
While many people may not share the same sentiment, I have to admit that I’ve developed a fondness for self-styling my hair over relying on professional help. The contrast between my before and after states is quite striking, don’t you think? It’s amusing how personal preferences can lead us down unique paths. For me, doing my own hair has become an enjoyable experience.
It’s faster
Less damaging/can be gentler on your hair
While the performance of semi-permanent dyes is impressive, their benefits extend beyond just aesthetics. Not only do they cause less damage to your hair compared to permanent color options, but they also provide a longer-lasting solution, with results that can be enjoyed for more than eight weeks at a time.
You get what you want
For those seeking a high degree of customization when it comes to hair coloring products, buying toners and semi-permanent dyes offers an unparalleled level of precision. This is because these formulas allow you to select the precise hue that suits your preferences, ensuring a flawless color outcome.
It’s cheap
For a fraction of the cost, you can achieve a personalized color that suits your style and preferences. With a DIY approach, you can get a professional-looking finish at an affordable price point of just $10-$20, making it a more budget-friendly option compared to a traditional salon visit.
It’s easy to change
If you’re not completely satisfied with your hair’s current hue, consider using a semi-permanent color or toner to make a quick adjustment. These products can be applied and then washed out within a short timeframe, typically ranging from one to two months, allowing for a subtle yet refreshing change.
No appointment is needed
The beauty of dyeing your hair lies in its spontaneity – there’s no need to schedule a specific time for it, as the process can be done at any moment when you feel like it. In fact, I find that certain weather conditions, such as rainy or cold days, provide an ideal atmosphere for getting creative with hair color. The gloomy skies outside seem to match the bold and playful vibe of a new hairdo, making it a perfect excuse to give your locks a refreshing makeover.
Whether you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up or wanting to refresh your look, coloring your hair can be a simple and convenient way to get the job done. With only 1-2 hours of your time required, you can easily fit it into your busy schedule.
When You May Want to Go to a Salon – Reasons It’s Better to Go to a Salon
Consider visiting a professional stylist or salon if you’re looking for a change, whether it’s a minor tweak or a full overhaul. Perhaps one of the following scenarios rings true:
You have time
You know an amazing stylist
With thorough research under your belt, you’ve not only identified a stylist who has received glowing recommendations from a trusted friend but also boasts an impressive online reputation. This comprehensive approach has equipped you to make an informed decision about the perfect professional to bring out your best look.
You want highlights only
You want to go significantly lighter in color
When making drastic hair color transformations involving multiple level changes, it’s often wise to seek the expertise of a professional stylist at a salon. A prime example is transitioning from a deep, dark brown to a lighter, medium blonde shade – this type of significant change typically requires the guidance and precision only a trained stylist can provide.
You have the money
For those looking to treat themselves, consider investing in a professional salon experience. With a minimum budget of around $150, you can indulge in a rejuvenating treatment that will leave you feeling pampered and refreshed.
You like your stylist
Discovering a talented stylist can be a game-changer for anyone looking to revamp their look without breaking the bank. I’ve had the pleasure of discovering a exceptional stylist who excels in both highlighting and haircuts, offering an affordable alternative to therapy sessions.
You find the experience relaxing
For those who revel in the thrill of a salon visit, why not treat yourself to a revitalizing color and cut treatment? The process of transforming your tresses can be an uplifting and rejuvenating experience, allowing you to unwind and pamper yourself. So go ahead and indulge – your hair (and mind) will thank you!
You don’t want to buy the supplies
For those who prefer to DIY, acquiring the necessary supplies is the first step in coloring your hair at home. However, if you’d rather avoid this process altogether, visiting a professional salon can be a convenient and stress-free alternative.
You don’t want to mess up your kitchen sink
You want highlights or a balayage
Achieving professional-grade hair coloring techniques like balayage and ombre can be challenging, especially when attempting them at home. Without proper training and experience, it’s easy to end up with uneven results or even damage your hair.
Alternatives to Dying Your Hair (at Home or at a Salon)
If the thought of DIY hair dyeing leaves you feeling uncertain, there are alternative options worth considering. When it comes to maintaining or transforming your locks, you’re not limited to a single approach.
Go pink with L’Oreal
If you’re looking to add some excitement to your beauty routine, consider giving the L’Oreal Paris Colorista Semi-Permanent Hair Color a go. This innovative product stays vibrant and true to its color for an impressive 4-10 washes, making it a great option for those who want to try out a new hue without committing to a full-on dye job.
Use Sun In to go lighter
For six years, I was a loyal customer of Sun-In, relying on its effectiveness to achieve my desired level of blonde-ness. With this product, I would simply spray it into my hair and follow up with a blow-dryer, achieving the perfect shade every time. Although I’ve since moved on from Sun-In, I have been introduced to Sun Bum Blonde, which offers similar results for roughly twice the cost.
Use a lightening shampoo to go blonder
For those with a base blonde tone, consider using a lightening shampoo that gradually brightens your locks over time. I found success by pairing the John Frieda Sheer Blonde shampoo with Sun-In, as evident in the photos below. As someone who’s gone through the process myself, I can attest to the transformative power of this combination.
Take a look at my natural hair color from college days, and then see how it compares to my strawberry blonde locks after using Sun-In and John Freida Go Blonder Lightening Shampoo – the results are quite striking!
More Creative and Fun Ways to Change Your Hair Color at Home
Color your hair with Kool-Aid
The nostalgia is strong with this one! Growing up, my mom was always game for letting us express ourselves through a little creative experimentation. And what’s more fun than dying your hair? Well, as it turns out, Kool-Aid can be the perfect catalyst for a quick and easy DIY dye job! Simply mix some Kool-Aid with water in the sink, submerge those locks, give them a good massage, and voila! You’ll be sporting a bold new hue in no time.
I still remember rocking that fiery red ‘do back in fourth grade – it was definitely a memorable experience!
Get dark hair with Henna
For those looking to achieve a dramatic hair transformation, henna can be a surprisingly effective tool for achieving a truly dark hue. According to personal experience, my mother successfully employed this technique during her college years, resulting in a strikingly dark color that was both bold and eye-catching.
Wear a wig
Looking for a low-maintenance way to try out a new hair color? Consider wearing a high-quality wig, just like the one pictured above. Many reputable cancer centers offer a range of stylish and realistic wigs that can be easily styled and colored to achieve the look you want. Not only is this a great option for those who want to experience a new hairstyle without the long-term commitment, but it’s also a fantastic way to boost confidence and self-esteem.
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