Can I Tone Hair Without Bleaching First?
If the thought of bleaching your locks has left you feeling hesitant, you’re not alone. Many of us are drawn to simplicity in our hair care routines, and rightfully so. After all, who wants to spend hours under the lights, risking damage to their tresses? The good news is that toning your hair without bleach is a very real possibility. In fact, it’s a game-changer for those seeking a subtle, low-maintenance approach.
This guide will walk you through the process of achieving the perfect tone without having to resort to bleaching first.
How to Use Tone Hair without Bleach in 5 Steps
To tone your hair without bleach at home, follow these 5 simple steps. While it’s generally recommended to bleach your hair before applying a toner, there are exceptions. If you already have very light hair, you can skip the bleaching step and go straight to toning. However, if you want to achieve a lighter or blonder shade, you’ll need to pre-bleach your hair first.
If you’re new to at-home hair care, you may find it helpful to check out our comprehensive guide on bleaching and toning your locks. I’ve personally used the Wella T18 toner to transform my strawberry blonde hair into a stunning ash white shade, having previously lightened my locks through bleaching. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the hair color of your dreams.
Buy Toner and Developer
To tone your hair without bleaching it first, you’ll need a few specific products. Here’s what I use: an applicator bottle from Sally’s or Amazon ($3), Wella Color Charm Toner in the color of your choice (they offer 8 different shades), and a 20 volume developer by Salon Care, available on both platforms.
The 20 volume developer is my go-to because it strikes the right balance – it can lift your hair color without being too harsh.
If you’re looking to make a more subtle change, the 10 volume developer won’t deliver enough lightening. On the other hand, the 30 volume developer might be too intense for some people’s taste.
When it comes to choosing the right toner color, Wella offers a range of options. For my latest attempt, I used T35, which worked well but ended up being a bit darker than I had hoped. In the past, I’ve also tried T18 and T27, and in the future, I might opt for T28 or T15.
For reference, here’s a quick rundown of Wella’s toner colors: Silver shades are represented by T28 and T10, while Ash tones can be found in T14 and T18. Beige is a bit more diverse, with options like T15, T11, T27, and T35.
Go Easy on Your Hair for Two Days
When preparing to bleach or tone your hair, it’s essential to treat your locks with care in the days leading up to the process. To ensure a healthy outcome, allow two gentle days before proceeding. This means forgoing shampoo for at least 24 hours, refraining from using heat styling tools like curling irons, and allowing your hair to air dry instead of relying on blow drying.
By doing so, you’ll be giving your hair and scalp a much-needed break prior to introducing the strong chemicals found in developer. The latter contains hydrogen peroxide, which can be harsh on damaged or porous hair. By strengthening your hair and keeping your scalp’s natural oils intact, you’ll set yourself up for a more successful and damage-free toning experience.
Mix One Part Toner with Two Parts Developer
To achieve the desired results, start by pouring one bottle of Wella Color Charm toner into an applicator bottle. Next, fill the toner container to the brim and then repeat this process two more times, filling it with developer each time. Finally, combine the developer with the toner in the applicator bottle.
Apply Toner to Hair and Wait 20 Minutes
To apply the toner, simply put on a pair of gloves to protect your skin and avoid getting it near your eyes. With that in mind, work the product into your hair, focusing particularly on the roots and the area just above your forehead.
Wash out Toner with Conditioner
After completing the initial 20-minute toning process, gently remove the toner from your locks by washing your hair in the shower with warm water – be sure not to expose your strands to hot temperatures that could strip the color. Next, treat your tresses to a nourishing deep conditioning treatment to replenish any moisture lost during the coloring process.
This simple and straightforward routine allows you to achieve salon-quality results at home without resorting to harsh bleach-based products.
Before and After Pictures of Using a Toner At Home (without Bleaching Hair)
Prior to incorporating a toner into my hair care routine, I was less than thrilled with its appearance. The roots of my hair were particularly noticeable, as seen below. Despite this, I decided to try out the Wella T35 toner on my unbleached locks, eager to see if it could work wonders. And indeed it did – the toner successfully neutralized any remaining orange tones and brassiness in my hair, evening out its overall color in the process.
Hair Before Using Wella T35 Toner
Hair After Using Wella T35 Toner
The results are nothing short of astonishing when you blend color after toner. Gone are the days of dull, faded locks – replaced by a vibrant hue that’s as much of a game-changer as it is a breath of fresh air. The impact is undeniable: this simple yet effective technique transforms your tresses from lackluster to luscious in mere moments.
Frequently Asked Questions about Using Hair Toners
When it comes to incorporating toners into your at-home beauty routine, there are likely a few questions running through your mind. Perhaps you’re wondering what exactly a toner does, or if it’s even necessary to use one in the first place.
Does Toner Get Rid of Brassiness?
Does Toner Get Rid of Orange Hues in Hair?
When you first get your hair colored, it’s not uncommon to notice subtle changes in its tone over time. In fact, some people may start to see hints of orange or yellow peeking through a month or two after their color treatment. This is a normal part of the process, and it doesn’t mean that the color has failed to take – rather, it’s simply a sign that your natural undertones are starting to make themselves known again.
To combat this, many people turn to toner as a quick fix.
By applying a toner specifically designed to neutralize unwanted tones, you can banish those pesky orange and yellow hues for good.
How Long Does Hair Toner Last?
While the typical lifespan of toner is around three to four weeks, there are some simple tricks to help it last longer. Using a color-protecting shampoo can make a significant difference, as it helps to shield your hair from further damage and fading. Additionally, adopting an every-other-day washing routine instead of daily washes can also extend the life of your toner.
Can I Use Toner on Dry Hair?
When it comes to incorporating toner into your hair care routine, it’s essential to understand the optimal timing for application. While some might be tempted to use a toner on dry hair, this approach is actually counterproductive. Instead, apply toner to towel-dried hair, when it’s still slightly damp. This allows the toner to penetrate more effectively and provide the desired benefits.
Can I Use Toner Without Bleaching My Hair First?
When it comes to using toner, there’s no need to fear that it will damage your locks. In fact, I’ve personally experimented with toner on my own hair without pre-bleaching, and the results were impressive (check out the before-and-after photos above).
Can I Tone My Hair at Home?
With a little practice, you can easily tone your hair at home without breaking the bank. To get started, consider investing in a user-friendly toner from Wella. This renowned brand offers a range of products that can be found on popular online marketplaces like Amazon or in-store at beauty retailers such as Sally’s Beauty.
What’s the Best Color Toner?
When selecting the best color toner, it’s essential to consider your skin tone and the look you’re aiming to achieve. For those with cool skin tones, featuring blue or pink undertones, Wella’s T14 and T18 toners are great options. Conversely, individuals with warm skin tones, characterized by yellow or golden undertones, may prefer Wella’s T15, T11, T27, or T35 toners. While many professional hairstylists swear by Redken toners, they often restrict availability to licensed professionals.
How Long Should I Keep Toner on My Hair?
When it comes to keeping toner on your locks, timing is everything. While the maximum duration is a relatively generous 30 minutes, we’d caution against exceeding 20 minutes to minimize potential harm to your tresses.
Should I Use a Purple Conditioner After Toner?
When it comes to incorporating a purple shampoo into your routine, timing is everything. After toning your hair at home, don’t be tempted to apply the purple shampoo right away. Instead, make sure to thoroughly rinse out the toner with a gentle, sulfate-free conditioner. This step is crucial in ensuring the toner’s color-depositing properties are evenly distributed throughout your locks.
If you’re looking to remove any unwanted orange or yellow tones that may have developed after two weeks, then it’s okay to use a purple shampoo and conditioner combination. Just remember to do so with caution, as over-processing can lead to dryness and damage.
Should I Use 20 or 30 Volume Developer with Toner?
When it comes to developer, I suggest opting for a 20-volume option that’s paired with a toner. For those who prefer a more dramatic result, a 30-volume developer is an option – but be aware that it can lift your hair color by as much as 5 shades. This strength of developer is not typically used by most women, as they tend to stick with the milder 20-volume alternative.
To recap, achieving the perfect tone without relying on bleach is a breeze. Simply procure the necessary materials, combine one part toner with two parts developer, apply the mixture to your damp locks, and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing out the solution. Voila! Your hair will be looking great, all without the need for harsh chemicals.
Want More Hair Tips?
If you’re craving even more expert advice on hairstyles, we’ve got a treasure trove of articles to explore. In addition to our in-depth guides, Very Easy Makeup also boasts a thriving YouTube channel, where you can find step-by-step tutorials on bleaching and dyeing your locks at home. And don’t forget to take pride in your freshly colored ‘do – after all, it’s always fun to experiment with new looks!
At Very Easy Makeup, we’re passionate about empowering women through easy-to-follow makeup tutorials, honest beauty product reviews, and practical at-home hair coloring tips from Christina Marie.
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